The story of Claressa 'T-Rex' Shields, a boxer from Flint, Michigan who trained to become the first woman in her country's history to win an Olympic gold medal in the sport.
This link will take you directly to the studio's screenings site so you can sign up for the screening!
Screening passes may become unavailable as they are first come, first served but keep trying because sometimes the studio releases more passes or people cancel their RSVP!
The story of Claressa 'T-Rex' Shields, a boxer from Flint, Michigan who trained to become the first woman in her country's history to win an Olympic gold medal in the sport.
Grab Passes53 clicks This link will take you directly to the studio's screenings site so you can sign up for the screening!
Screening passes may become unavailable as they are first come, first served but keep trying because sometimes the studio releases more passes or people cancel their RSVP!